Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy holiday

Something bad, and completely unexpected happens last time, which had been chasing me,out of shame, away from blogging for some time.. At least untill today.. It even brought me to think of deleting my blog and start over.. It is silly, and if you had noticed, please pretend like you have never seen them, because if you mentioned them, i would want to bury head-self into that fat comforter.. I might have google-picture-o-phobia for sometime..

Moving on,

Yeay!! exam da abes.. Tapi mane yang lagi susah, jawab exam ke tunggu result.. Mmm, depends la, kite tau ape yang kite jawab.. Doakan yang terbaik yek?

Put all those worries behind, and enjoy the rest of the holidays.. Which, i've been looking forward to since the start of the semester.. Haha.. and, don't ask me, saya pergi bercuti kemane, because i'm not going anywhere, not Spain, not UK, not Malaysia, not Jordan, and not even Luxor or Sinai..

So i'll be home, watching movies, cooking, pumping myself up with masakan jaja yang sedap, (mesti tambah dua kali), beribadat, dan mungkin juga mengemas(soo not me)..

Aktiviti post-examination

Hantar buku community medicine (commed) dan LENGKAPKAN


Aktiviti pre-examination

Bagi yang mengikuti, nephew is comel.. Tapi tak nak share gamba, sebab ade satu je.. MUHD WAAFIQ, along texted me this morning, and yeah, name yang kite suggest tak dipilih.. Takpe la, bole simpan untuk anak-anak sendiri nanti kan? Hehe, anak mesti nak letak plural..


I can't bring myself into sleep, now that we are free of exams.. Ironic, as it was to qada' sleep that i was anticipating the holidays.. Not that we are here, i can't even initiate a blink of sleep since the exam was over.. Kenape time exam susah sangat nak stay up? mengade je..

p/s:berjaya pakai baju kurung everyday time exam.. COOL


silent reader said...

cuti?.epy holiday!

pakurawan said...

ko pandai mesti terbaik punye result.

mohamad wafiq?

mcm nama aku lak.


Anonymous said...


iddy said...

silent reader: yup,, bosan :(

sads: x de pandai pon,,wafiq-syafiq,,ade la kot nk sme,,haha..

anonymous: yup,,mcd..i guess i'm e regular..

Anonymous said...

well, :)

jaja =] said...

cuti means tido byk2..
cuti means 'movie-ingssss"..
n cuti means maen masak2..mkn byk2.
epi oliday hidayah,,

ps/:sile bangun pagi untuk berjogging2 di tepi pantai yg indah ye adinda,,,=]