Hello readers,
If you had noticed, i've deleted the last post.. Which i think is a bit too personal. I hope you won't judge me.. Really do, even if its in our flesh and blood to automatically judge people, i hope not..
I've promised a malay post, but i'll skip..
I'll do on another one right after i'm finished with this
Ok, lets proceed with a total awesomeness..
(Sila baca dengan nada teruja)
Along just gave birth to a cute baby boy!
That makes me an aunt, and, adik pon da jadi makcik.. Dad,a granpa, and mom, a granma.. Don't ask me if i'm ready, i'm just about turning 20 this year.. but I'm so thrilled to have a baby boy in the family.. Can't wait to see him, which, i haven't, so i can't really tell if he is cute, but, he is a baby, and babies are cute!
I wonder, does he have our big rounded eyes?(along and i, are in the same league, although her eyes are bigger). Along's fair skin, or abang long's darker complexion? I hope he grows up as tall as abang long. That will make him tall, dark, and handsome.. Which is perfect! Atleast in my eye.. He should have a thick eyebrows like me, thick eyebrows suit men better kan? I wish abah did pass him that too..
I haven't think of a name yet.. Atleast i should suggest one, right? Do suggest a name, kindly leave a comment ok, readers?
tak, along tak de dalam ni
Welcoming new member!
Thank you for listening, lets dedicate a doa for him, so that he will grow up a great man with handsome looks, an obedient son and muslim, in the best of health,,and also, a good nephew to his aunts..
If you had noticed, i've deleted the last post.. Which i think is a bit too personal. I hope you won't judge me.. Really do, even if its in our flesh and blood to automatically judge people, i hope not..
I've promised a malay post, but i'll skip..
I'll do on another one right after i'm finished with this
Ok, lets proceed with a total awesomeness..
(Sila baca dengan nada teruja)
Along just gave birth to a cute baby boy!
That makes me an aunt, and, adik pon da jadi makcik.. Dad,a granpa, and mom, a granma.. Don't ask me if i'm ready, i'm just about turning 20 this year.. but I'm so thrilled to have a baby boy in the family.. Can't wait to see him, which, i haven't, so i can't really tell if he is cute, but, he is a baby, and babies are cute!
I wonder, does he have our big rounded eyes?(along and i, are in the same league, although her eyes are bigger). Along's fair skin, or abang long's darker complexion? I hope he grows up as tall as abang long. That will make him tall, dark, and handsome.. Which is perfect! Atleast in my eye.. He should have a thick eyebrows like me, thick eyebrows suit men better kan? I wish abah did pass him that too..
I haven't think of a name yet.. Atleast i should suggest one, right? Do suggest a name, kindly leave a comment ok, readers?

tak, along tak de dalam ni
Welcoming new member!
Thank you for listening, lets dedicate a doa for him, so that he will grow up a great man with handsome looks, an obedient son and muslim, in the best of health,,and also, a good nephew to his aunts..
dear auntie dayah,,
congrates for being an auntie,,
for having a hero in ur family..
and for having an expanded family tree,,hehe.
i tot it shud be nice fer him,
tall,,dark..handsome,,and definitely thick eyebrow,,
b a gud auntie yer=]
err mana gambar nye?
i suggest..
mohd aidid haikal.
ilham iskandar..hehe,,
daa tua yer kite..daa jdi auntie daa..
be good yer..my little anak saudare..dgr ckp mak..ayah..atuk ..nenek..n da coolest auntie in da world mak cik dayah..n da sweettest makcik jaja..last but not least da beutifulest auntie ella..
p/s :lupe adek dayah name aper erk..hehe
jaja,,ela,,sads, anonymous, and arifadela, thanx..
i'll suggest the names, huhu..
they r nice, trase nk smpn utk anak sendri lak..
no pictures yet..maybe later..
thanx guys..
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