Last friday was beautiful, as early as 12 a.m. i've been getting calls, comments, messages, wishing me the best for my 21st anniversary. My lovely aunt and cousins even wished me 2 days earlier, i bet they're more anxious than i am.
I'm crazy about birthdays, even crazier when its mine. sigh, i'll never be one of the people, who naturally forgots their own birthday. I can't imagine how did they do that, but that must've been fun, having someone else reminding u of your birthday.
So, I was really looking forward to THE day, even since the first of May, i know, really can't wait to get old la this girl.
Then, finally friday came, but on the contrary it actually felt a little sad, cause u know, its days like this that u would like to spend with ur most important person in the whole wide world, your family. After all the distance, i could only wait for that one phone call, wishing me Happy Birthday.
It was 12 a.m, egypt time, and that was when i got the most wishes, i was actually sleeping, cause i was expecting my mom or my sis to call me when it was 12 malaysia time, but that, didn't happen. So i was grumpy, i went to bed early.Then I wake up to a birthday call, and to my suprise, my housemates were preparing for a little party. There were our pictures all over the walls, and balloons, printed balloons saying happy birthday.
They even made my name spelled on the wall. It was a very pretty sight, and there was this gorgeous cake, sitting on the dining table.
We had our picture taken, have cake, and then have barbeques together. It was fun! and then i got my call, it was about 2 a.m. We finished late. I remember smilling, trying very hard to get back to sleep afterwards, and i know for sure i'm getting a big panda eyes tomorrow.
The morning came, and it went really wrong at first, my face got all red after washing. I might have over-exfoliated my skin the night before, that it burned upon contact with anything i put on. It was awful, and i got a lunch afterwards. Thank god, it subsides after few hours, or else it would have ruined my pictures, and lesson learnt, never! to exfoliate a day before an important day. I had lots and lots of good food, that day, until i was so full i had to go home.
It was fun.
and that was most of it. I'm sorry this is such a long post. I had to describe everything, so i could relive the memory afterwards. Thank you for reading :)
1 comment:
btw aku pernah lupe my birthday..n feel tue lebih ckit r lepas dpt thu...hihi
entri terpanjang yg pernh dibuat oleh kamo..tpi xder r panjang sgt pown..hee~
then..happy belated birthday!!
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